Discover How This
10-Second Juice Fix
Helped Me Reclaim My Body...

How A simple Blue
"PM Tonic" took me from 209 to 143...

I've finally got the "REAL ME" back...

how A simple Blue "PM Tonic"
took me from 209 to 143...

How A simple  Blue
"PM Tonic" took me from 209 to 143...

I've finally got the "REAL ME" back...

Hi, I'm Pamela. I'm 53, I have 3 wonderful kids and I recently found a way to feel like my younger self again...

In my 20s and 30s, everything felt effortless...

I used to;
  • ​​Be full of energy all day everyday
  • ​Keep a slim figure while enjoying pizza and burgers...
  • ​Stay in shape without stepping foot in the gym...​
  • ​Feel confident in everything I wore...
But as soon as I hit my early 40s, that all started to change.

After 40, EVERYTHING Seemed To Fall Apart...

I felt exhausted all the time. Simple everyday tasks felt like climbing Mount Everest and as a result I'd usually find myself sitting on the sofa in front of the TV all day.

But that's not me! I used to be so active!

One day, at my local coffee shop I bumped into my old friend from school with her husband. We didn't have long to catch up but it felt really good seeing her again.

That was, until they were leaving and I overheard her say something I'd never thought I'd hear from my old bestie...

"Oh My God, she is SO much bigger than I remember!"

As I heard that, I almost choked on my coffee and I couldn't help but replay it over and over in my mind.

As I got home I rushed straight to the bathroom and weighed myself... 209? That can't be right!

I glanced in the mirror and realized it's true. I looked exhausted, bloated and well..."chunky"

That night as I was getting ready for bed, I knew something had to change.

It's Now or NEVER... I HAVE To Get The "REAL ME" Back!

I tried every option I could think of.

I got a gym membership, but I quickly despised going as everyone would stare at me.

I reduced my portions sizes and cut out snacks. However, I could never curb my cravings.

I tried fasting, smoothies and supplements.

Heck, I even went vegan!

It's worth noting, I tried Paleo, Keto, Atkins, food journaling, counting calories... 

...even some home remedies like drinking apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, ginger and I even ate celery and carrots for a month.
Yet NONE of it made a difference!

Nothing Could Prepare Me For What My Doctor Said Next...

I was totally ready for my doctor to tell me it was my fault, I wasn't trying hard enough, and I needed to eat better and exercise more.

That's what they all seem to say.

But I couldn't have been more wrong.

"You need to target the root cause" he said.
Curiously, I questioned the doctor about what was REALLY causing this, and his answer took me by surprise...

He shared some research papers that showed how over HALF of the American population have one common deficiency...

Sleep...and how it can have a detrimental impact on our happiness, well-being, but most importantly weight.

"So I just need to sleep more?"

"It's not quite that simple Pamela, it's not just about how much sleep you get, but the quality of the sleep"

Feeling confused, I asked if there was a solution.

He said "it's a little out of the ordinary, but, there is good scientific evidence behind it, and I've seen significant results in patients I've suggested this to."

"They're calling it the Blue "PM Tonic".

He mentioned how a whistle-blowing doctor has just come out of hiding, revealing the classified recipe and also highlighting 5 incredible aspects of it;
  • ​​There's no need to change what you eat
  • ​​There's no need to exercise
  • ​It takes just seconds a day
  • ​You will sleep like a baby.
  • ​It's so simple, anyone can do it
He finished off by saying "Studies have shown it's even more effective for post menopausal women. So that makes it a great choice for you Pamela."

I was too eager to wait until I got home, so as soon as I got in my car I immediately took out my phone and began watching the video right there.

Glued to my screen, I was taken aback by everything I learned from the video.

Could something this simple really be the answer?

I Thank God Every Day My Doctor Showed Me This!

I've been using this "PM Tonic" for a while, and I couldn't be happier! I often find myself slipping into clothes I haven't worn in forever.

Sure that's fantastic! But looking great in my clothes isn't even the best part!

The real game-changer for me is regaining my energy. My sleep is deep and restful and I wake up with a new zest for life.

What's even crazier... with all this energy, I actually look forward to exercising, I have to use it somehow!

Oh, and my husband has noticed the difference too...if you know what I mean. 😉
And to top it off...
  • ​My energy has SOARED. At 53, I feel more like I'm 30 now!
  • ​​I feel full & happy after meals and don't feel the need to snack all day.
  • ​My blood sugar levels are stable, and I don't get tired in the afternoon anymore.
  • ​​I sleep throughout the WHOLE night and wake up ready for whatever the day brings.

I'm So Grateful I Followed My Heart And Not My Head...

Although I had my doubts, this has led to an amazing change in both my health and overall life...

I finally have the real me back!

Now, I'm confident my health is on the right path.

All because I took a moment to discover this incredible, yet simple, "PM Tonic"

The non-stop questions from my friends and family was fun at first, but then it got boring telling the same story over and over again.

So, now I just give them the same link to the video I watched.

I have no control over this video.

Rumor has it, it's already been taken down twice! Due to a major pharmaceutical company wanting to keep this method under wraps.

But the last time I checked it was still up... Take a look for yourself...👇
All The Best,
Pamela x


I just want to thank you for taking the time to read about my journey. And I would like to encourage you and let you know that it is now YOUR TIME and YOUR TURN.

You have taken care of everyone else and now it's time to take care of YOU.

It’s time to take back control of your body, improve your health, get your confidence and energy back and make your next chapter the best chapter!

Let us break the old paradigm of “this is what happens as I get older”.

Our lives should improve as we age.

And they CAN!

I've lost over 100 pounds in the past 6 months, without even trying!

Our bodies are designed to work this way (by nature!).

We just need to give them a little push in the right direction.

Start your own journey today by clicking the link below and watching the video. 👇

I know You got this.

Supporting Your Journey,

- Deborah

All Exercises and diets WILL Fail if THIS Isn't activated

When you exercise, your body will mainly burn sugar for energy. That's why it's important to tell your body to activate your inner "Calorie Burning Mode" before you try any other workouts.
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This works whether you believe in it or not. That's the definition of science, and this is 100% based on real, proven science.
Tap the button below to see how to activate Your calorie burning body 👇

Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational use only. Always consult with your doctor or primary care physician prior to starting any new health or fitness routine.

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